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Quantum Ed

Active Studies
STEM Education Postdoctoral Training Program
National Science Foundation Funded: ~$1,250,000
Team: Annie Fukushima Ramón Barthelemy
The creation of a two-year postdoctoral training program to teach critical research skills to future scholar in STEM education and critical studies of science.
Social Network Analysis of non-LGBTQ+ Women and LGBTQ+ Faculty at the University of Utah
National Science Foundation Funded (ADVANCE): ~$3,000,000
Team: Camila Manni, Claudia Geist, Brenda Bowen, Mercedes Ward, Myra Washington, Ramón Barthelemy
Social Network Analysis of non-LGBT Women and LGBT People in Professional Physics Careers
National Science Foundation Funded (ECR Core- DGE): ~$500,000
Team: Camil Manni, Madison Swirtz, Adrienne Traxler, Charles Henderson,
Ramón Barthelemy
Interviewing 100 women and/or LGBT PhD physicists across sectors to understand how they build and navigate their professional networks.
Quantum Mechanics Education in U.S. Physics Programs
Team: Alexis Buzzell, Tim Atherton, Ramón Barthelemy
Analyzing complete syllabus data for quantum curriculum in U.S. physics programs using natural language processing and human coding.
Longitudinal Study on Women in Physics and Astronomy and Students of Color in STEM
National Science Foundation Funded (BCSER): ~$350,000
Team: Miguel Rodriguez, Brian Zamarripa Roman, Ramón Barthelemy,
Melinda McCormick, Mirna Mohamed
Following up with 21 women in physics and astronomy ten years after an initial interview and starting a new longitudinal study on students of color in STEM
Completed Studies
Literature Review on LGBT+ Scientist Research
Association of Women in Science Funded: $20,000
Team: Ramón Barthelemy, Matthew Mikota, Madison Swirtz
Conducting a literature review on articles focused on LGBT+ scientists. Will outline major themes and ideas and methodologies to move forward
Graduate Education Reform in Physics and Astronomy (2021)
National Science Foundation Funded (RAPID): ~$200,000
Team Includes: MacKenzie Lenz, Ramón Barthelemy, Pearl Sandick, Jordan Gerton, Jessica Payton et al.
Investigating the change process of a major research one's physics department from standard test based admissions to holistic admissions. Uncovering student experiences in both programs while understanding the implementation and successes of new comprehensive exam, course, and mentoring structure
Inclusivity in Large Introductory STEM Courses (2021)
Pilot Study
Team Includes: Josh Edwards (CER), Gina Frey (CER), Ramón Barthelemy et al.
Survey based study seeking to understand the impacts of inclusivity and sense of belonging on student's performance and retention in introductory STEM course sequences.
Ph.D. Programs in Physics Education Research (2020)
Team Includes: Ramón Barthelemy, Charles Henderson, Mirna Mohamed et al.
Survey based study seeking to understand the characteristics of Ph.D. programs in PER in the U.S.A.
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